Tuesday, February 4, 2014

You've got time

You know when you just have one of those "off" days? Im sure we have all been there. The days when nothing seems to go your way. Those days when the pharmacy get's your prescription wrong, UPS takes longer than expected, your client no shows you, and you get in a fight with your mom. Yeah let's just say I had one of those days. Nothing sounded more appealing than to climb in bed with a tub of cookie dough ice cream and a six hour binge of Netflix. Sometimes we just have these kind of days to put us back in our place. To make us realize that it's not always going to be easy breezy.

So of course I came home, slipped on some "too big for me" sweat pants and did just that. While I listen to Chuck and Blair argue over who cares less in their relationship in the background I scroll through my twitter feed to come across a very moving picture. 

While siting in a pool of pity for myself wallowing in how terrible my day went I am snapped back to reality. It's a shame that I only face these feelings because of a picture. How can I be so selfish and not be happy for what good was in this beautiful February day. Such as I woke up in a nice warm bed, was able to enjoy a delicious breakfast, lunch & dinner, and had enough money to pay my rent. These simple things are not so little to others around the world. Others who don't have a bed to sleep in, or food in their kitchen simply because they don't have electricity or enough money. The most difficult struggle I faced today was witch TV drama should I select on Netflix to watch. when there are others in the world searching for clean water to drink. I think that we sometimes forget that there are people in the world so less fortunate than us, we take such simple tasks for granted and complain about meaningless problems. I wish I wasn't writing this post telling you that I was so selfish today, but that's just what I was. I was angry and upset for no reason, instead I should have been celebrating my life and the amazing things in it.

 *pause for a moment and do a happy dance

God has test for us daily to overcome obstacles put in our life's and to prove our true character to others. Today I failed, I didn't pass that test, but the day's not over yet. I have my chance to redeem myself right here and right now. I want to make sure you know that you shouldn't blow things out of proportion like I did today, instead take the things that went wrong and spin them into something positive. That prescription obviously got mixed up for a reason, maybe it was because God wanted me to wear glasses for couple more days because I look smarter. And maybe my UPS package got lost because Im supposed to learn to have more patience. I suppose my client didn't show up because God was protecting her from being involved in car accident. And last maybe I got in a tiff with my mom because I need to learn to appreciate being able to have a relationship with her where I know I can call her any time, day or night. These seem like silly spins but hey at least I can make something good out of something bad.

Moral of the story I hope you realize before the day slips away from you that you have it good. You are alive, breathing in and out, on some sort of device with internet able to read this blog, and you have a opportunity to really soak in that others in the world are struggling. The biggest obstacle you face today shouldn't be the confusion of getting gas before or after you go see That Awkward Moment, it should be HOW WILL I CHANGE THE WORLD TODAY?! Don't worry you still have time, just don't let it go to waste.

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