Wednesday, January 22, 2014

response to 25 things

Okay so I’m not one to really care what others say about articles because yeah I get it we are each entitled to our own opinion.  HOWEVER I do think that in that category falls the young lady who wrote to article on her OWN blog. So what if she wants to stand in front of a window naked, maybe it makes her feel dangerous and free, why do you care if she thinks traveling the world would be more exciting instead of marrying at a young age? You care because you were offended. Most people who didn’t like the article are in a relationship, and most people who did like the article are not. This doesn’t mean that being single means your life sucks. It just means she has learn to embrace life on her own, and enjoys it this way. Why would you want to be in a relationship at 19 or 22 when you haven’t seen the world or even half the people in it.
In my opinion, you may think you’re ready to be married but news flash you’re not! Sure you can argue all your “valid” points but I will still stand firm in my decision that you should not be getting married so young. You have not lived! You are still growing up, and you need to grow into the person you want to be. Here are a few things (no I didn’t pick a number in the twenty’s– im just going to write and then when I’m done ill stop) that I would rather do then get married.
(In no particular order)
1. Have a dance party with a stranger
2. Start a series on Netflix and don’t stop watching till you finish
3. Learn yoga, and meditation
4. Go for a walk, no destination just start walking
5. Drag your best friend to a One Direction concert, because she will have fun (no matter what she says)
6. Go study abroad
7. Spend a day at an animal shelter
8. Ride a roller coaster
9. Take a road trip
10. Make a Taylor Swift playlist and sing it like you’re singing to your Ex
11. Then make peace with your past  (including that ex)
12. Go to a drive in movie theater
13. Write a short story
14. Hula Hoop
15. Try something new, a sport, a restaurant, anything!
16. Tell someone you’re honest opinion
17. Start loving yourself, including all your imperfections
18. Read the bible everyday
19. Join a gym, and actually go workout
20. Tan in the sun, rather than in a bed
21. Call your grandpa just to say hello
22. Move to a new country
23. Listen to a full Lady Gaga cd, even if you don’t want to
24. Buy a cat, it will be fun (or funny either way)
25. Instead of eating nutella, eat a whole carton of Bluebell ice cream WAY BETTER
26. Read a book other than Nicholas Sparks cover to cover
27. Buy a cd, don’t illegally download it
28. Stop worrying about money, all your bills will get paid trust me
29. Accept the fact that not everyone will like you
30. Tell someone about God
31. Be more crafty
33. Know its okay to not follow the rules, (hint skipped 32)
34. START A BLOG AND WRITE WHATEVER COMES TO MIND. Even if it doesn’t make since or sound super witty write what you’re feeling.


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