Friday, January 24, 2014

I wish someone had told me

Ever think back to when you were younger and wish that you could have for warned yourself for what was to come. Give yourself a heads up, a WARNING sign, or even advice you could take along the way?

Sometimes I wish I could go back to fifth grade, that was a hard year for a lot of kids. This was the year all the elementary schools combined into one (middle school.) For most kids this was the year you made new friends and lost a few old. The year when you started to care what you were dressing in everyday, and even the year where you stopped bringing your lunch to eat at the snack bar instead. Middle school was that make or break time, either you were "popular" or you were a "loser." No in between.  Braces and glasses were in full swing, girls started playing around with lip gloss and mascaras while boys were into skating and gameboys. I think Middle school was hard for me because I was so worried about what others thought about me. I think this really continued all the way through Jr High. If I could go back and tell my twelve year old self anything, I would say that none of the things that seem to matter so much right now will truly mean nothing years from now. It wont matter if you are wearing the coolest Mudd. jeans and you definitely wont care about what "she" said about you at the lunch table.

Middle School and Jr. High were the years that really effected me personally, trying desperately for the approval of everyone when in reality those "cool kids" opinions really mean nothing. I have a younger sister who is nine, and she is truly something special. Tall, long brown hair, tan skin, and slim. Shes a true beauty, I only hope that she would enjoy her years of grade school, not worrying about what the other kids in her class thought. I hope she does things to make HER happy. For example she has this pair of snow fur boots, (they are as awful as they sound trust me) and she wears them ALL of the time. Im not kidding you, 90 degree summer weather and she is outside strutting her stuff in those boots. But here is the thing about those boots, she loves them and she looks good wearing them because she wears them with a smile. I envy how awesome she truly is. She is growing to be such a outspoken fun little human and I hope she continues to do things that she loves. I don't want her to feel pressure from other kids at school to be just like them, rather be herself. God made her unique and perfect in her own way, and for that I want her to know she never has to change a single thing about herself.


Fast forward a few years to high school. (sigh)
Geeze louise I feel like just yesterday I was trying out for cheer-lading my freshmen year. I remember getting a tour of the high school a few days before classes started and thinking how will I ever survive this huge place with all these new eyes staring at me and new voices to be judged by. Then I didn't think I could make it, guess what Im here now so safe to say I made it out alive! Remember that Taylor Swift song, Fifteen?

Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say 
"you know, I haven't seen you around before" 

I think we can all remember our first "high school" crush, mine was a junior boy in heath class. Now this was the moment I wish I could have told myself that this boy would mean nothing to you years from now. He isn't your type, and you will never talk to him once he is gone. I most likely would have shook my head, because at the time I thought he was "perfect." Yeah he was perfect alright, perfectly NOT for me. 

But in your life you'll do things greater than
dating the boy on the football team

This would push us into sophomore year, where I really liked a guy on the football team. I mean who didn't like a guy on the football team? Here I wish I could tell myself that all the promises you think that he will keep will be broken and be left un kept. Remember how you thought he would make you "his" once season was over? Wrong he will then give you the excuse that baseball is coming up. Be smarter than him, keep him as a friend nothing more. 

 Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
but I realized some bigger dreams of mine
 and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind
and we both cried 

This was the big one. The game changer, junior year. This was the year things started to get real, and really fast did that happen. I wish I could tell myself that even though you think that he cares, he doesn't. That this is the time in a guys life where they will say and do anything to make you think that they are your one and only. This is false, and I wish more than ever that I wouldn't have let myself waste not only so much time on one person but also so many tears. When you think someone is so right for you at such a young age you truly are blinded by their wrong doings. You push aside all the bad and just see what you want. Don't let that happen.

And you just might find who you're supposed to be 
I didn't know that at fifteen 

Coming to a end, senior year. I wish that I could tell myself this would be the year that you really need to soak everything in. I think for everyone that year we just were so ready to get out. Ready for new adventures and experiences that we didn't fully enjoy the little moments that we soon would lose forever. Really take in the small things, such as your mom waking you up every morning with breakfast on the table. Or being able to walk into your little sisters room and steal her clothes. These simple things would be some of the things you can never get back. 

If I could turn back time and tell myself something I would say, enjoy this moment. Don't let any one take it from you. Worry less, dance a little more, smile with confidence and live the life YOU want to.


Even years later I still get caught up sometimes wishing I could go back and shake myself. I think we've all had those "what was I thinking moments," some more than others. No matter what we must always live each day out to the best of our ability. Take nothing for granted, remember our words leave impact on others, and make sure to tell the ones we care about how much we love them. Although I wish I could sometimes go back in time and tell myself these things, I can't. How ever I can tell myself what to do in the future. I mean after all it's us against the world, right?

SO Brittany, here is what I wan't you to do. I want you to wake up every morning with a smile. Make sure to thank your loving father and king for all that he has blessed you with. Always remember to give out good vibes and energy to others. Remember that it is okay to cry every now and then. Know that it's not the end of the world when something goes wrong. Always appreciate advice from others. Don't take it personal. Take that leap of faith and jump head first. Hold back no more. Follow your heart above all else. Never let fear in. Keep your head up. Don't let the "one that got away", get away. It's easy to say, harder to feel so let yourself feel. Take challenges by the horns. Embrace new things with an open mind. And last, enjoy youre life. After all you've only got one.


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