Wednesday, January 22, 2014

look after you

The current song playing on my Pandora would be the explanation of the title. Not sure I wasn’t more original in picking my own title, but there it is. There is no real reason behind this post, other than the simple fact I feel like writing a little. SO bare with me if it is a tad random and spread out. 
As I sit outside I feel the need to just want to scream for a moment. It could be the frustration of being stuck in this town, could be the stress of money, not having any food in my refrigerator.. or all of the above. Sometimes we all just need to have a good vent sesh. Here’s mine. I honestly feel as if Im in a rut. Suck in a life I don’t want. I feel if I could leave this town my life would be more complete- right now I just feel something is off balance. Im really eager to move and live in a different city. Which is strange because I was so excited to move here, but it’s not going how I imagined. They say the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but im sure it’s better than this brown dirt over here. Nothing seems like it fits me here anymore, Im over the whole party every night, staying up drinking, and im for sure over the frat dirtbags. I have served my purpose here and now I feel its time for me to take the next step and jump into my next adventure

How do we get out of life’s little ruts is the next question. I feel as though I simply have to truly jump head first and leave all the rest in the past. Let it all go, not look back. I just need to completely focus on myself and not think about the rest. I have to do what is right for me, im the only one in control of what I want out of this world. No one else has as good of intentions for myself more than me. I need to take matters into my own hands and control my next move, not let others hold me back or hold me from being all that I can be. Today as I looked around at my co workers it literally hit me that they all (minus a few) have such boring lives. They all started their careers at such a young age, started getting married, having children and just get stuck in a routine. For me to be surrounded with people who all kind of just settled made me so sad. Im no where near ready to settle down in some small town. Traveling is in my blood, I can’t stay in one place for long. Also I sure as hell don’t want to marry someone here, there is billions of people in this world why would I pick some country bum who will not change the world what so ever. I want to venture out, explore the world meet people all over then settle. That could take years.

(me screaming)

Ready for the next chapter of my story. Im so excited to see what all God has in store for me. I know that adventure is coming my way. Im tired of settling and im truly ready for whatever is thrown my way. 

Lists, I love lists so lets make one. 
(Here is my list I hope to be able to check off soon)
-Take a road trip
-Go to coachella 
-Visit the UK
-See as many concerts and shows as possible 
-Get a tattoo
-Quit something (if you're not happy, it's ok)
-Get noticed by someone in 1D
-Go to sundance
-See snow
-Shop on 5th avenue 
-Try sushi 
-Own a mac computer
-Purchase a new car
-Cut my bangs 
(those were the first 15 that came to mind haha)

Anyway I guess I’ve come to a close for this blog.
Till next time.

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