1. Your style is going to change, like everyday. Don't spend tons of money on clothes that you will most likely wear only a few times.
2. It's better if you accept the fact now that you will indeed get your heart broke, maybe even more than once. Learn from it, don't hold it against every other guy out there.
3. Now day's people can and will get jobs with out a degree, don't let it discourage you from finishing school. Finish what you've started it will be more rewarding, and you will get paid more.
4. Let's face it, we all have bad hair days, pimples, and pores the size of Pluto. So stop beating yourself up over that girls Instagram picture because trust me she did not "Wake up like this!"
5. You will not always be broke, there will come a point in your life when you get tired of eating ramen noodles everyday and start budgeting more. Until that day comes, top ramen it up girl friend.
6. Yes sometimes you may get lonely, but trust me you're not the only one, take a number.
7. You can't always count on your "friends" sometimes you will be your best friend, embrace it now it will only make you stronger.
8. Sometimes you will have to fight for what you believe, don't let others discourage you stand firm in your beliefs. Always remain a good person, no matter what the situation is. Morals count for more than "cool points."
9. We all do it, misjudge someone to quickly. Don't fret it, just remember to take the time to really get to know someone.
10. Like your wardrobe your body will also change a lot. Don't get yourself down over skipping that work out class, you deserve a break every now and then.
11. You will stumble a few times, either because you've had too many cranberry vodkas, you're having a bad day at work, or a relationship just didn't quite go the way you planned. Here's the thing, brush yourself off and continue on.
12. Do not let negativity run your life. Learn to stay positive no matter what. Take a yoga class, it will help.
13. Not everyone will like you, and if you think they will you will beat yourself up over it everyday.
14. Learn to let the past go, it's a new day keep moving onward.
15. Stop trying to change what you see in the mirror, you are beautifully made.
16. You will grow apart from friends, but don't frown, because there will be a few that will have such a strong relationship with you and will be there at your side while you grow old.
17. You will forever need your parents, so don't even think for a second you won't. Call them just to say I love you.
18. God will never bring you to something he doesn't think you can't get through. Trust him, always.
19. Netflix will forever be there, it's okay to go see a real movie in theaters for a change.
20. You are going to change your mind almost all of the time, don't live you're life feeling guilty for ending that relationship, leaving your job, or changing your major. Change is inevitable.
21. Always remember who you are inside, a lot of things will change in these next years but one thing will remain the same. You are YOU.
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