Monday, March 31, 2014

Things you just need to accept

As a fellow twenty one year old I have learned a lot so far in my short year's of being in my "twenties." We need to learn to accept change, accept hurt, accept differences, and realize that things will not always be as they are right now. While in my teen years I set my expectations of life a little too high, and was quickly disappointed in realization that life will sometimes let you down, in the worst ways. In my twenties I've learned that although my expectations were very unrealistic that it is okay to dream a little, all things are possible, except maybe getting Harry Styles to notice me that most likely will NEVER happen. Here are a few of my realizations since entering my "twenties."

1. Your style is going to change, like everyday. Don't spend tons of money on clothes that you will most likely wear only a few times. 

2. It's better if you accept the fact now that you will indeed get your heart broke, maybe even more than once. Learn from it, don't hold it against every other guy out there. 

3. Now day's people can and will get jobs with out a degree, don't let it discourage you from finishing school. Finish what you've started it will be more rewarding, and you will get paid more.

4. Let's face it, we all have bad hair days, pimples, and pores the size of Pluto. So stop beating yourself up over that girls Instagram picture because trust me she did not "Wake up like this!" 

5. You will not always be broke, there will come a point in your life when you get tired of eating ramen noodles everyday and start budgeting more. Until that day comes, top ramen it up girl friend.

6. Yes sometimes you may get lonely, but trust me you're not the only one, take a number.

7. You can't always count on your "friends" sometimes you will be your best friend, embrace it now it will only make you stronger. 

8. Sometimes you will have to fight for what you believe, don't let others discourage you stand firm in your beliefs. Always remain a good person, no matter what the situation is. Morals count for more than "cool points."

9. We all do it, misjudge someone to quickly. Don't fret it,  just remember to take the time to really get to know someone. 

10. Like your wardrobe your body will also change a lot. Don't get yourself down over skipping that work out class, you deserve a break every now and then. 

11. You will stumble a few times, either because you've had too many cranberry vodkas, you're having a bad day at work, or a relationship just didn't quite go the way you planned. Here's the thing, brush yourself off and continue on. 

12. Do not let negativity run your life. Learn to stay positive no matter what. Take a yoga class, it will help.

13. Not everyone will like you, and if you think they will you will beat yourself up over it everyday.

14. Learn to let the past go, it's a new day keep moving onward. 

15. Stop trying to change what you see in the mirror, you are beautifully made. 

16. You will grow apart from friends, but don't frown, because there will be a few that will have such a strong relationship with you and will be there at your side while you grow old. 

17. You will forever need your parents, so don't even think for a second you won't. Call them just to say I love you.

18. God will never bring you to something he doesn't think you can't get through. Trust him, always.

19. Netflix will forever be there, it's okay to go see a real movie in theaters for a change.

20. You are going to change your mind almost all of the time, don't live you're life feeling guilty for ending that relationship, leaving your job, or changing your major. Change is inevitable. 

21. Always remember who you are inside, a lot of things will change in these next years but one thing will remain the same. You are YOU. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sleeping with a friend

Neon Tress new song is quite the eye catcher, lets be real it's what made you click some link which led you to here. Well let me tell you if you haven't had the chance to hear the song the lyrics to the song are quite true as well. "Why mess up a good thing baby? It's a risk to even fall in love. So when you give that look to me, I better look back carefully cause this is trouble, yes it's trouble." We all know there are risks to falling in love, or getting involved with someone...the biggest one that flashes like a neon sign in your mind is I WILL GET MY HEART BROKEN. Hate to break the news but this maybe true, it could very well end with a shattered heart.

Lets just say thats the case... you got in a relationship and it ended bad, very bad, and now you're left to pick up the pieces. So what comes next? Do you join the lonely hearts club? Go on the hunt for a new, hotter version of the last guy? Or should you drown you pain in a bottle of wine and a Netflix binge of Pretty Little Liars? Here's a suggestion, just a thought, but why don't you do none of these and focus on yourself instead. Many of us connect the word happiness with the word relationship. And although the word could very much connect with love, it isn't dependent on the type you get from a boyfriend or girlfriend. Love and happiness first start with YOU. Love yourself first then someone else can love you back. After you've spent some time for you, then pick yourself up and try again. Here's another tip, this ones for the girls, you can not compare every guy to your ex. All guys are not "the same," there are still good guys out there ladies so don't fret it. Also you can't completely close your heart of because the last two jerks decided it was more of a game than something actually involving your feelings. You will never be able to get past this unless you let your guard down once again and give it a go. Why let love pass you by when it's knocking on your door. I may just be a hopeless romantic, or I may have just watched one too many pintrest wedding videos,  but you have to have hope that there will be a person out there just for you. It will be a risk, don't get me wrong, but it should be a risk you're willing to take. Make sure you give it all you've got, try with everything in you and if it doesn't work out who cares. You enjoyed the time you spent together, and now you know that this person isn't YOUR person. That doesn't mean he/she isn't out there, they are it just might take a few tries to get to them. That's life, so just live it.


A picture taken at a friend's bridal shower, see love does exist ! 

Saturday, March 22, 2014


I wrote this the other night and didn't get around to posting it until now...

How can one be so incredibly awkward? For example the other day a co-woker of mine said she would be celebrating her 32nd anniversary this week with her husband,  my response was "I can't even hold a conversation with a guy for 32 minutes." I can't handle myself sometimes. Seriously I have an issue here guys, Im sitting on my bed contemplating if I should go out tonight. You see a friend of mine, who may perhaps be of the male species invited me to come over and hang out with a group of people, other "humans." But here's my dilemma, remember how i've mentioned I am so socially awkward, well I haven't been in a social setting other than work in months. I know for a fact that Im going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Another big issue is I know that no one in this town is accepting at first glance, and if you haven't already met me you should know I'm not your typical College Station "sorority girl." Im a little bit rough around the edges, and I see a little beyond the whole "going to school and marrying some cowboy you met at Hurricane Harrys" life story. So the question, do I go or do I stay, which by the way I think is a song? Getting back on track, Im thinking I will go and see how it is. Who know's it could be a lot of fun, I need to stop being such a homebody and go out and live. I suppose Ill go now...wish me luck.

Im back, and guess what I was defiantly right about not knowing anyone. Of about fifty people I knew one. So as you can suspect it wasn't the best night of my life. Frat parties in this town are like celebrities in LA. They are everywhere, and if you're not dating a guy in that fraternity or if you're not in a sorority yourself then you look completely out of place. That is just what I was, out of place. I looked like I didn't belong there, I wasn't wearing heels and I didn't have on Kendra Scott earrings so ovbi I didn't belong. The one person I did know, the guy, he made things better if it wasn't for him I would have walked straight out. Nights like these remind me of why I don't necessarily like living in this city anymore. Id like to move somewhere that is more accepting of differences and creativity.  Somewhere were it is encouraged to be different, not a clone of everyone else. I've started to see a trend within the people here, they are all the exact same! They all look the same, blonde highlights with long curls. They all dress the same, comfort color tank tops with nike shorts. And they all do the same things, go pre game at Rebels or Chimmys then get trashed on the street of the North Gate. How about someone change it up a bit. Throw in some outdoor adventure, a hike or biking trail. Also add some new people, different people. Then lastly top it off with some amazing food of another culture. Because let's be honest Im tired of eating Feugo people. I need change, and now. So often people get wrapped into this cycle of going to college, meeting someone straight out of the gate, then getting married and settling down. WHYYYYYYYYYY? Break the cycle move someone exciting, pack your bags and try something different, something challenging. See if you sink or swim and if worst comes to worst at least you learned something from it. Take the chance, see where you end up.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Miss me when I'm gone

well well well...

Its been a while, a very LONG while. I have a very good excuse to my disappearing act I have made, one that is both very sad and extremely exciting. Since my last post my laptop decided it was ready to quit on me. It had a vey good run though, I will say, a great five years that baby lasted me. I never had problems with it util the very end. I started to get viruses and then the screen decided one day it just wasn't going to work. I was heartbroken, I use my laptop daily, pintrest and tumblr aren't going to re post themselves people. Also I sort of have this hobby, I write a blog, so you can clearly see my shatters pieces of my heart.  Days turned into weeks, I was going sir crazy! I have a tablet so that gave my my social media fix, but trust me it's incredibly hard to write a blog entry on those things. Now lets get to the more cheerful part of the story, I have returned to the computer world! YAY, but that's not even the gist of the great news, I have returned with... (drum roll please) a Macbook Pro!! Yes thats right, I've transferred my pc life to apple. I couldn't be happier with my decision, but let me tell you it wasn't an easy choice, seeing that apple computers cost nearly an arm and leg maybe even a finger or two. I couldn't wrap my head around spending that amount of money just for a computer, I mean clearly the first thought of having that much money Id want to go shopping and spend it all on clothes, but after pondering that idea I shook it off because lets be honest I have a TON of clothes and lord knows I don't need more or have enough hangers either way. I knew I had the money to afford an apple computer seeing that my tax return this year was fairly higher than normal, but still I struggled with the decision. I questioned a few friends, texted some family members asking their opinion, and even took to Facebook to see what the majority of people use out there. Turns out, not a shocker here, but everyone seems to be in love with Macbooks. I had one final person I wanted to put in the hot seat before I really committed to my decision, the sales man as Best Buy. After asking tons and tons of questions, some that really had no relevance what so ever, I made my choice. It was clear, GO FOR IT, I mean yolo right? After signing my life away on a tiny dotted line at the bottom of my receipt I walked out with my head held high and a new laptop in hand! So I know what you're thinking, that I immediately sped home to tear open the packaging and start playing, and if you know me at all that is what I wanted to do. But today mother nature has a different plan for me. See last night was quite a toss and turning one, I went to bed with the sniffles and woke up with a full blown cold. Yuck, right? I felt terrible all morning and the fact that I had a 7:30 shift today didn't go over to well with my body. I pushed through and worked with a smile on for my guest. So after getting off, and picking up my computer, the only thing I wanted to do was hit the sheets. Ive since napped, finished my taxes, taken a hot bubble bath, and lastly set up my computer. Did I mention I GOT A MAC? Still so excited about this people. So Im glad to inform you I will be reuniting with my oh so fabulous blog, I'm sorry this post is fairly short but girls got to get her rest so back to bed for me.
