Tonight I'd like to flash back a few years to a time of pom pom's, car pools, and "The Hill's" marathons. Why are we flash backing on Saturday night you may wonder, well id like to remind you of a little photo taken once upon a time...
Junior Year (third one from the left)
While visiting my regular hairstylist growing up one visit I decided I wanted a side swoop bang, I had never had bangs before and alot of the girls at my school did. I always wanted to try them out and built up the courage one day and made the appointment. The bravery quickly started to fade as I sat in the chair watching her cut more and more off. I quietly started to freak out, but kept my mouth shut (HUGE mistake!) After the fished product I looked in the mirror and immediately regretted my decision. I left the salon with out saying a word because I knew it was just hair and that it would grow back, but after messing with it a few days and watching a episode of Hannah Montanna (this was the season Miley had blunt bangs) I went to my mom with a pair of kitchen scissors and said CUT THEM. God the decisions just kept getting worse for me, I love my mother very much but she is no hair stylist. I had to live with the bangs until they grew out, and finally came to the conclusion I would never cut them short again. Fast forward to years later and here I am writing this post because guess what..
the bangs are back!
Now that I am a hairstylist personally I have had plenty of upset teenage girls with "messed up bangs." Here's the thing though most people who do get their bangs cut go about it all wrong, they see a picture of a celebrity or girl on pintrest and think, "OMG I love her hair, I want that!" With out remembering that they are not the person in the picture, they might have a different face shape or hairstyle. You have to pick a bang that fits YOU. After countless bang trims over the past couple of months I quickly found a new trend in my pintrest board for hair, and surprise surprise it was bangs. I always talked myself away from taking the plunge, because lets face it we all know what happened last time and I did not want history to repeat itself. So the answer was always no, and that was the correct answer..right? Well on Friday I had a guest who was determined to get on the BANGwagon and make the change. I gave her really choppy short bangs, which looked totally fab, and started to have the idea creep back into my mind with every snip. After she left I found myself glued to my phone goggling images of short hair with a choppy bang and found these...
I really thought these two particular photos were a good fit for what I wanted because it has the hairstyle I had in mind and my face shape, and before I knew it I was in the chair myself. A friend at my salon was brave enough to take on the challenge of getting me over my bang fear.
I love the finished results, and couldn't be more happier with the impulsive decision. This go round I knew exactly what I wanted, had a professional cutting (not my mother,) and am now more knowledgeable as to how to style my hair. If you are thinking of making a change with your hair my advice to you is to first call the salon of your choice, schedule a consultation to meet with a stylist to talk about what you have in mind, bring pictures of what you LIKE and DISLIKE so you can give him/her a clear idea, and also ask for their honest opinion. Sit on this for a few days after the meet up and then if you're still wanting to commit, go for it!
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