Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My reason to thank Caitlyn Jenner


Let me start out with stating if you have clicked on this post then please to stay committed and fully read the whole thing, eventually it will all start to make sense. I have not posted this to offend anyone, in any way. I am trying my best to fully understand myself, and am still learning the correct terminology so please do not get upset if I do not word things correctly. Also I am not trying to sway your opinion on the matter, just simply trying to tell you my story, nor shove my beliefs down your throat. I am just a 22 year old young woman trying to share a light on personal experience, so do not think this post will be perfect by any means.


I have thought about writing this post numerous times. Scared I may start a war on my social media I deferred, kept my thoughts inside, and held my tongue. With the recent Vanity Fair release of Caitlyn Jenner, formally known as Bruce, I can't help but think this is the perfect time to really speak up.

When I was three years of age my little sister was born, Hayley. I was so thrilled to have a sister and new friend, but growing up I quickly noticed she really wasn't like me, at all. She was not into barbies, and baby dolls, she was much more into dump trucks and playing in the dirt. At such a young age it really didn't matter to me, as we grew up she was more of the tom boy and I the girly girl. That was okay! She always was a happy child, would walk up to strangers anywhere and strike up a conversation like they were her friend. Nothing scared her, nor could dull her brightness. In high school she started experimenting more with makeup, asking for advice on clothing, and even had a long serious relationship with a guy. Yet slowly my family started to see the light in her fade, she quit the Soccer team, turned to dark music, lost tons of weight, and her relationship ended. Dismissing these, what now we see as warning signs, my family continued to hope she would change back to the old Hayley she once was.

In September of 2012 I received a call stating that my baby sister had tried to commit suicide, but failed. Confused and heartbroken my family came to her side trying to do as much as we could. She was placed in a hospital where doctors could watch and monitor her well being. Once striped of all the normal clothing I took notice to her bone thin body and something inside me woke up. This is a person, with a heart beat, who has been hurting for 18 years. Torn up inside with no one to talk to, who just wanted to end her life. How could we all be so blind to the pain she was feeling? I decided I would be there for her no matter what the outcome may be, I would support her in any and everything.

In a confused state in her life she started to question if she was truly being honest with us as well as herself. She had pushed thoughts she had deep into the darkest parts of herself, because she didn't know what was truly going on within her. Once she discovered that there was such thing as Transgender she started to piece the puzzle together. As things started to unfold in the years to follow, Hayley admitted to us that she had always felt very wrong in her body. Hayley is transgender, she was born as a girl, but her soul is male. Although my family is Christian, and we have been raised to love all others and judge no one, that does not mean that this news was easy for us to understand. When you have lived with someone for 18 years as a girl who is wanting to transition into male it is a hard adjustment. My sister is still my sister, she is now just a better version of herself. She is now transitioning into he. I still catch myself calling her "her" and "she" but she is no longer Hayley, but Hurley. She is now becoming my brother.

The whole issue I have with people commenting hateful things about Caitlyn Jenner is I am taking these comments straight to my heart, because my sibling is Transgender, and any comment you make about Caitlyn I put towards my brother and the transgender community. People who are Christian are not doing well by their beliefs, God has told us to love thy neighbor. He says do not judge unless you have no sin, we all have sins therefor we are in no position to judge any one. These are people, they are still human beings with feelings and a heart. We as Christians need to show more love towards the LGBT community, because God has told us to love all others. More than 50% of Transgender youth will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday. Everyone deserves to be happy, why does it matter to you if Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn, shouldn't it matter that she is no longer suffering and hurting. My brother is now enjoying the life he always wanted, happier than he ever was as a girl.

What Caitlyn Jenner has done is heroic. By doing what she has done so publicly she has reached millions of people, some of who are young teens considering suicide, teens who are going through the same feelings my little sister was going through. If Caitlyn has just saved one person from ending their life I'd call her a hero, but she did more than that. She has helped family's of transgender children as well, and she helped me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Nobody likes you when you're 23

 Eight long months it's been since I've publicly posted on my blog. Eight long months filled with tons of new changes. Eight long months of college, homework, and quizzes. Eight months is far to long, it's not that I didn't have anything to say, it's just that sometimes life takes you by storm and you lose track of things you once did. I hope to get back on track, jumping head first with the fact that I am turning 23 in a matter of weeks!

Now I feel like when you turn 23 you really have to start getting serious about becoming an adult. At 22 you are still trying to hang on to you 21st year, still washing all of your clothes in one cycle, still eating hot pockets for dinner, and still sleeping past 10:30. Not wanting to face the music that you are inevitably going to have to grow up and become a real life adult.  I have decided that it's time I get the ball rolling, so I clearly went to my local Barnes & Noble and picked up Kelly Williams Bown's, Adulting book. This is a 468 easy(ish) step book that will hopefully conclude in teaching you a few tips to becoming an adult. Now I'm not sure how effective this step by step book can really make you into an "adult", but so far I've found a few really helpful tips.

The age 23 I think is the age where you let go of the most outrageous dreams that you have for yourself, like thinking you will be able to make a super hilarious viral video that will result in you going on The Ellen Show and you never having to work a day in your life, chances are slim to none of that happening. It's now time to create dreams that can become a reality, like finding a really great job, deciding to be more healthy, or trading your used Honda and buying a new car. It is time to start checking the expiration date on the food in your pantry, and buying toilet paper in bulk, because lets face it that is the LAST thing you want to run out of.

Start to wear more sunscreen, I mean really ladies is your tan worth the wrinkles you will get on your face when you're only in your thirties? This is a great habit to form, always put on sunscreen!!! Yes it is sticky and gross but it is way worth the hassle. Also there is no better time to start to love water, this will keep you hydrated in the Texas summer heat as well as keeping your skin bright!

Purchase real food. Start making dinner at home more rather than grabbing Taco Bell on your way home from work. Even if you are cooking for one, Pintrest is a life savor with recipes, and you will have leftovers! WIN WIN. It has been proven that these non real food items that taste so "delicious" only taste that way to make you keep eating more, ending in weight gain and you feeling sorry for yourself while you watch Greys Anatomy. You would not believe how easy it is to make grilled chicken with rice.

Your car, is a great next topic. Your car is something you use quite frequently so why would you not want to take care of it? Be sure to get your oil changed on time, rotate your tires as needed, and try to keep eating in it to a minimum. Don't get me wrong on a long road trip I cant survive without a slim jim or BBQ chips, but if you do eat then vacuum shortly after. You spend far to much time in your car to not take care of it. Bonus if you have a Bath and Body Works car air freshener!

Clean up your social media. Take the time to go through your albums on Facebook and really pick through which are appropriate, these are a representation of yourself so make sure to get rid of those wild spring break pictures. Also now is a great time to go through your list of 2,400 friends, who really needs that many friends? When you see someone posting something negative or gossiping like they are still in high school this should be a clear red flag pointing you to the delete button. Social media plays such a big role in today's world that most companies want access to view what type of person they will be hiring, so no better time then now.

Develop a new outlook on partying. Partying as a college student and as an adult are two very different things. Partying as an adult will consist of RSVP(ing) however do not look at this thinking you can't still have a good time, there will just be more parties where getting drunk and hooking up are not the goal.

Be okay with being alone. I think a lot of people are extremely afraid to be alone, whether that be in a romantic since, or just going out to dinner alone.  Learning to live with yourself is so important because you will be with yourself for all of your life, might as well learn to enjoy your own company. Trust me if you're at lunch by yourself and see someone looking over their shoulder at you they are not thinking "oh my gosh she is all alone, she must not have any friends or boyfriend" chances are they are thinking about their dog, or if they paid their rent on time. When you decide to not care about everyone else thoughts then you will be in a much happier place. 

Becoming an adult is not the end of your universe, there will be new things to look forward to in life, such as meeting your soul mate, getting a job where you can actually move up and grow in, and starting a family. You're no longer having to depend on your parents and becoming independent isn't as scary as it sounds, it is very fulfilling. Don't forget all around you; people you're friends with, people you've grown up with, and people you will meet along the way, are all too growing up.

So here's to