You know those nights where you find yourself channel surfing around eleven pm for something to watch, anything, you are literally looking to find something half decent on TV at this point and still no luck. So what do you do? The answer is clear people... you watch "The Bachelor" duh. NO! Why would you do that? The show is staged, and the lines these people say are super cheesy. Yet here you are in your target pajamas, drinking a cup of hot tea, listening to this god awful show. And you're actually buying it! If you thought it was pathetic that you chose this show to begin with, the fact that you are actually getting emotional sends you over the edge.
Now I could be the only girl in the world that does this, matter of fact I probably am the only girl, but that is bedside the point... the point is why do us girls torture ourselves into watching other people's love stories evolve in front of our eyes? We lay in bed and watch movies like Dear John and The Vow thinking "oh this is going to be a great night in, I'll have a glass of wine and stare at Channing Tatum all night" easy as cake huh? Then the credits start to roll and we're left alone with our thoughts and a empty bottle of wine, because lets be honest one glass just didn't cut it. Then one thing leads to another and were calling our best friend crying. WAKE UP SISTER. There is a much bigger picture here that you are not seeing (maybe the wine clouded your mind just a tad).
Ladies need to start focusing their energy elsewhere, instead of getting themselves down in the dirt over some guy or relationship. God makes it very clear to us that we are not ready for a relationship when we are actively looking for one, he wants us to spend time focusing our energy on him and building up our relationship with Christ before he decides to place that perfect guy in out lives. We should spend less time scrolling through wedding boards on Pintrest and more hours studying the Song of Songs, to really get a clear idea on what it is that God want's us to have in a relationship. Timing is never wrong in God's eyes, to us we might think "maybe it would of worked with them if it was just better timing." Well that is not true, God's timing is never off. He places people in our lives at certain times for a reason, just because it doesn't work out with them does not mean that the path you're headed wont lead you into something else. We must always trust in him and let him lead us in the right direction, instead of the direction we think is best.
I log into Facebook and see friends from high school getting engaged and starting families and instead of getting upset over the fact that I am 150% single, I smile and think I can not wait for that point in my life but for now I'll enjoy where God has me at this time. Spend your days thanking the almighty for giving you this world to live in and breathing life into your body, rather than walking with your head low because you have don't have someone to watch a Netflix marathon all day with. One day when God feels you are in the right place with him, he will place someone right where they need to be and the pieces to the puzzle you could never find will be as if they were there all along. Channing Tatum is great to look at but lets face it, he's married
and has no clue who you are at all. There is however an incredible
person that God has hand created for each of us and that thought
overwhelms me with joy.