Saturday, June 21, 2014

Here's how I got PitchSlapped

June is nearly coming to an end and boy oh boy has it been an exciting month. Monthly updates are becoming a thing here on my itty bitty blog and Im glad I can keep you guys up to date with whats going on in my life. Recently a pretty cool thing happened, at the beginning of the month my best friend and I made a spontaneous trip to Louisiana to play extras in the audience watching the Treblemakers preform in Pitch Perfect 2. We enjoyed being on set so much that we got back in contact with a casting director to return later in the month to see the Bellas... little did I know I'd be getting to do a little more than just be an extra in the audience. I would love to let you guys have the full experience of what my trip to PP2 was actually like, sharing pictures and videos of my costume and of set, however I do not have 117,000 dollars to pay them when they sue me. I signed this little paper saying I would not share any information about the movie as they want to keep it a secrete until it comes out, which is totally understandable. I can however share a little sneak peak into what happened to me while I was there. 

I originally applied to play an audience member again all week with my friends and was thrilled with just that, until the night before we started our road trip at dinner when I got a call from casting asking if I would be willing to be in a "specialty group." I can't revile what the group did or looked like but geeze louise was it FUN. Being in this had it's perks, we got our own trailer, were taken to hair and make up almost everyday, fitted and in wardrobe for our costumes, and allowed to be back stage with the actors. I got a glimpse of what its actually like to be on set and not just another extra in the audience which was pretty cool. Being in this group allowed me to meet some pretty awesome people, including having a casual conversation with Brittany Snow while making ice coffee at 3 am. We got to do a few scenes, one on our own where Elizabeth Banks loved what we were doing so much she requested the cameras to be directly on us...AMAZING, and another with Hailee Steinfeld and Ben Platt. Not everyday do you just get to hang out in the same room with an oscar nominee. Everyone was so nice and down to earth, if you're wondering what Rebel Wilson is like she is hilarious! Call times were mainly around 4-6 pm and went all the way until 6 am. It was long hours doing the same scenes about 20 plus times over and over, I never realized how many times they actually shoot the same thing just from tons of different angles and cameras, some of those bad boys are ginormous. 

The week went by fast, and sort of felt like one long continuous day, shooting all night and sleeping all day then getting up and heading right back. Monday-Thursday had only around 100-300 extras in the audience and Friday night was the BIG day, PP2 opened the doors to any and everyone that wanted to come watch the final performance of the Bellas, 2000 people showed up and it was crazy.  Thankfully the volunteers were release around midnight and wouldn't be there the entire time. When we finally wrapped I think I was to the point of delirium, by this point in the week we memorized the lyrics and dance routines of the performances so you know we were a bit tired of seeing the same things and ready to return home. This was an amazing opportunity and exciting week, I'm grateful for everything and so super excited for the movie to come out, May 15, 2015.

(here are a few photos I can share)
A few of the girls in our group

The guys who made things so much fun on set

The sun coming up on the first finished day

A snap chat of the sun on the last day

Bubble fun in-between takes

Some of the crowd on Friday night

An overhead shot of the park that a news station took

Snapchat photo bom with one of the guys from another group

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Help, Im freaking OUT people

Mid shower about 20 minutes ago I had a moment, now normally this is where you'd find me having "ideas" or "deep thoughts" so it wasn't abnormal for this to approach my mind while shampoo sat lathering on my head. At almost the age of 22 I feel like I may be in the middle of a mid life, or in this case, quarter life crisis. Now this won't be there first or last time this will happen to me, I along with many other my age have faced this obstacle of many important questions adults such as our elders ask, "What are your career plans?" "Where do you see yourself in five years?" "What is your major, and what will you do with it?" questions I feel as though I should know, but quite frankly don't. Life is changing, it is for most of us at this point in our lives when we thought we had it all figured out we are slapped in the face with a big fat question mark.

Now you have been though what is most or all of your college years, and reality is knocking on your door step. You have been living surrounded by people your age and in which you may think you know more than or are better than in some way. But you are about to step into a new world, the real world, and you will start all over again. Being faced with new challenges where you may not know everything like you thought you had. So what do you do? Back down in fear, or rise and triumph? How do you even get there you wonder... So do I. I don't have the answers. I don't know which direction is the best for you but I can try and give you a little insight on a few thoughts that roam my brain.

A few years ago after graduating high school I had a plan, I was going to go to the local Jr. college in my hometown for a few years, transfer to a university, and then become a teacher. It was what I set in my mind as the perfect plan, and it was in action. But life kicks in and it also kicks you in the ass sometimes as well. I didn't like school, I didn't want to get paid crap money and I wanted to do something more with myself, challenge myself in a way. So I left, moved to a new city, started and completed Cosmetology School, then moved to start my career. I once again thought I found a new plan, one that would really work I told myself. Well look where I am now, I've quit my job, moved once again to another city and enrolled to go back to school. So much for a solid plan right? I think that's the point, that you sometimes can't really plan what is going to happen because lets face it, that's life and it doesn't get more real then that. You have to just trust that God will always lead you in the right direction and know that he has a greater plan that will always be better than any one you could think of yourself.

Along the way I have seemed to have lost parts of myself, I have been tested in many ways and not always have won. You most always stay true to the person you are inside as this journey is leading you to your destiny. We may be frightened in ways at the unknown but we can not stray from ourselves, we must remember what our parents and elders have taught us. Remain true and pure. At 22 I may not have it all figured out but I think the most important thing I must know is to leave my faith in Him and all will go according to HIS plan, I hope you can do the same
